Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Question 4: Why Should History Remember Trayvon Martin

4. Why is this movement important? What impact does it have on our community or society as a whole? (1-2 paragraphs)
This movement is important because this impacts our society for years about racism. Martin Luther King made a difference for everyone. In his “I Have a Dream Speech,” King said, "White wpeople and black people could come together holding hands our nation will rise up". In other words, we all have to work together if we want to make a difference . We just have to work together as a team. This demonstrates that we can change the world and help others that are in need. Let the world know that we are all equal.

Should we all be treated the same and equal ? Trayvon Martin was an African American boy who got killed by  Zimmerman because he look like not a good kid. People have something against African Americans. We should care because no matter what race you are we should all be treated equally.                              

1 comment:

  1. Martin Luther King change everybody's lives with his dream speech.
    how did people treat each other equal
